Supervised dataflow programming for clojure and clojurescript.
(require '[missionary.core :as m]) (def !input (atom 1)) (def main ; this is a reactive computation, the println reacts to input changes (let [<x (m/signal (m/watch !input)) ; continuous signal reflecting atom state <y (m/signal (m/latest + <x <x))] ; derived computation, diamond shape (m/reduce (fn [_ x] (prn x)) nil <y))) ; discrete effect performed on successive values (def dispose! (main #(prn ::success %) #(prn ::crash %))) ; prints 2 (swap! !input inc) ; prints 4 ; Each change on the input propagates atomically through the graph. ; 3 is an inconsistent state and is therefore not computed. (dispose!) ; cleanup, deregisters the atom watch
For full-stack web developers who struggle to build correct and glitch-free applications, Missionary is a reactive programming toolkit based on process supervision, that lets you build massively concurrent, fine-grained reactive systems on both frontend and backend. Unlike promises and go-routines that make it easy to write a broken program, Missionary’s combinators provide the right set of constraints to let you build a fully composable program that is also correct and bug-free.
Support : clojurians slack #missionary
Above all, I hope we don't become missionaries. - Alan J. Perlis