

The vast majority of the missionary API consists of operators allowing for functional effect composition. They can take several forms :

In general, effects do not have equality semantics, like any other function. However, a composition of effects based on operators is always referentially transparent, so multiple instances of a composite effect created from the same inputs describe the same behavior and can therefore be considered the same effect, as far as = is not involved. In other words, a composite effect has no identity. It can be spawned many times, the same actions will be performed over and over again.

Example : A single task is spawned many times, each time performing a new attempt. Compare this behavior with future.

(require '[missionary.core :as m])
(import 'java.io.IOException)

(defn fetch-with-retry [max-retries task]
    (loop [i 0]
      (if (< i max-retries)
        (if-some [page (try (m/? task) (catch IOException _))]
          page (recur (inc i)))
        (throw (ex-info "Too many attempts." {}))))))

(def ps
  ((fetch-with-retry 3 (m/via m/blk (slurp "https://clojur.org")))
   (partial prn :success)
   (partial prn :failure)))
;; after 3 attempts
:failure #error{,,,}

When instead the results of an effect must be shared across multiple consumers, the pure functional approach is not suitable anymore, because it requires to assign an identity to this effect. It has to be stated explicitly, via a publisher constructor.